get on it
Hey everyone, ive successfully managed to set up SBCL for sublimetext! that means that the parsejourney can begin!!
the current code i have is this, which just prints files, but this is just for testing
(defvar *curpath* nil)
(defun set-path (newpath)
(setq *curpath* newpath)
(format t "~a~%~%" *curpath*)
(defun print-file (file)
(let ((in (open (concatenate 'string *curpath* "/" file) )))
(when in
(loop for line = (read-line in nil)
while line do (format t "~a~%" line))
(close in)))
;opens a .blog file with parameter "name"
(defun open-blog (name)
(print-file (concatenate 'string name ".blog"))
(set-path "loni3/src/blog")
(open-blog "210519")
also, i have some js here to provide syntax highlighting, not sure if i want to add it as a separate file just yet, since a friend pointed out i could set up a
reader macro, because you can make macros for anything